
Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church

We in the Church have a strong sense that we are called to offer all humans that which makes human life most noble: God's word and presence! We have a sense of mission about this because of Christ's command to preach the Gospel to all. But this missionary self-identity also comes from the nature of the Church itself: that it is universal, that is has something to offer to all, that it addresses the entire world with the Word of God. We want to be the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world." This document outlines principles for this work.

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Bill Huebsch

Bill Huebsch is an author, theologian, former director of religious education, and long-time Catholic publishing professional. He is also a husband, a widely-published and award-winning author, a gardener, a university professor, and a pretty qualified corkscrew operator. He has been a farmer, a marketing director, arts administrator, director of religious education, and diocesan administrator. Bill has published nearly thirty books as well as numerous articles, booklets, and screenplays.

Bill is the founder of the online Pastoral Center and past president of Twenty-Third Publications. Bill writes and teaches extensively on the catechetical mission of the Church and on the importance of continuing to implement the vision of the Second Vatican Council.