
Vatican II

This collection contains a wealth of resources to help you share the message of the Second Vatican Council with your community. Pope John Paul II called Vatican II "the Advent Liturgy of the new millennium." It's vital that all parish leaders be familiar with what this Council did and how the Holy Spirit moved the Church to reform itself in the work of the world's bishops and Popes.

Council Documents in Plain English

These poetic paraphrases of 12 Council documents compliment the Plain English versions of the Constitutions found in The Story and Promise of Vatican II in Plain English. • By Bill Huebsch

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Study Tools on the Four Constitutions

Each constitution includes an introduction video from the author, a study guide for group or personal use, an outline with thought-provoking questions, and a slide presentation with simple talking points to help you organize a presentation. • By Bill Huebsch

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Communal Prayers in the Words of Vatican II

Use these 19 prayers in a variety of pastoral and personal situations. These prayers each celebrate one major themes of Vatican II, pairing a brief reading from the pertinent Council document with Scripture—the word of the Lord alongside "the word of the Church." Each leads into a brief period of Breaking Open the Word. • By Bill Huebsch

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Article Collection

These 11 reproducible tools are provided in editable Microsoft Word and PDF formats to support parish work on Vatican II. • By Bill Huebsch

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Vatican II: The Next Generation

This mini-curriculum will help you share the Council at three age levels: grades K-3, grades 3-5, and grades 6-8. A leader guide and handouts for three lessons are provided for each age level. • By Bill Huebsch

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