We celebrate these special days throughout the liturgical year.
Christ is made known to all the nations, as the magi visit and offer their gifts.
The themes of Our Lady of Guadalupe—unity of all humankind, dignity for all God's children, hope for a better life, love and support from God and our Blessed Mother—are all embodied in this brown-skinned woman.
The season of Easter begins Easter Sunday and ends on Pentecost, fifty days later. The feast is called Pentecost coming from the Greek word pentekoste or fiftieth. It is held in the Church second only in importance to Easter. It is best understood in context of the original feast of Pentecost in the Jewish tradition also known as Feast of Weeks.
We learn from Jesus' family—the examples of Mary and Joseph—how to be holy ourselves.
On November 1 and 2 each year, we celebrate, honor, and pray for all those who have gone before us in faith.
On this feast, which falls on the last day of Ordinary Time each year, we reflect on what sort of king would sacrifice himself for us as Christ did.
We celebrate Jesus' bodily ascension into heaven with a feast on the 40th day after Easter Sunday (or the closest Sunday) each year.
Learn about several March Saints through the virtues of humility, sacrifice, & faith
Explore the virtues of love, courage, and devotion by learning about the Saints of the Easter Season.
A collection of resources focused on the celebration of Thanksgiving.
A collection of resources on Trinity Sunday.
This activity that explores St. Francis' life and values can be used as an all-ages opening experience, a whole group in-depth learning experience, an age-specific in-depth learning experience, as a home activity or as a learning center activity option.
A prayer service to celebrate the life and insights of St. Francis.
This session will guide participants to explore the Catholic Social Teaching of caring for the earth as part of honoring St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology.
Play this game to learn more about the life of St. Francis of Assisi.
This Faith Festival is designed to introduce participants to the tradition of the St. Joseph Table as a way to prepare for the celebration of the feast of St. Joseph on March 19. • By Jim Merhaut
Learn about the life of St. Patrick and find new ways to celebrate and share your own faith. • By Jane Angha
Ideas for celebrating the feast of St. Patrick in your home.
A ritual for families to celebrate the feast of St. Joseph.
Use this activity to reflect as a family on justice, equality, and the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Use this family activity to reflect on God's great love for all of us.
A parent drop-in session and home activity focused on Saint Kateri Tekakwitha. • By Tom East
Learn about several fall saints through the virtues of compassion, the love of learning, and discipleship.
Celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi with your family.
Commemorate the date of the death of St. John the baptist and celebrate the summer solstice with your family.
Celebrate this day together to help focus on the role of parents and the status of parents in our communities.
Pray together for Christian Unity.
Learn about several summer saints through the virtues of hospitality, leadership, and zeal.
Learn about several winter saints through the virtues of faithfulness, friendship, and vision.
Help parents and children reflect on Saint John Bosco, who was an ordinary priest who saw youth in need in his community and did everything he could to help.
Help children and parents focus on the heart of the holiday and bring faith to the forefront, still leaving room to enjoy chocolates and little valentines.
Help parents and children celebrate fatherhood though the example of Saint Joseph.
Help parents and children reflect on Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth after God sent the Angel Gabriel to ask Mary to be the mother of God's Son. Families will explore the meaning of Mary's visit and how her Magnificat can be an example of prayer in our own lives.
Help parents and children explore the birth of Mary, Mother of God, which is celebrated on September 8th.
Help parents and children reflect on Saint John XXIII, who was often called "Good Pope John." The community will spend a few minutes looking at his view of sainthood, then reflect on ways to follow Saint John's footsteps as holy people.
This Faith Festival helps an intergenerational group explore key events in the life of St. Francis of Assisi. Participants also discover principles of Franciscan peacemaking and how they apply to their families, schools, workplaces, and communities. • By Jim Merhaut
Archbishop Oscar Romero was canonized on October 14, 2018 in San Salvador. This Faith Festival is an opportunity to invite households to celebrate his life and to examine how they too are called to serve and to advocate for the rights and dignity of others. • By Mariette Martineau
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