Sheri is the Director of Parish Faith Formation and Pastoral Associate of Holy Ghost Parish in Wood Dale, IL. In her role as the Faith Formation Director, She designs and directs religious educational programming for all generations as well as facilitating continuing educational experiences for both the catechetical & school faculties. Sheri's responsibilities include oversight of Religious Education, RCIA, RCIC, Youth Ministry, and Adult Formation. She also enjoys directing the parish choir and leading the Art & Environment team in creating seasonal liturgical environments in the worship space. Sheri has extensive teaching and instructional design experience at the elementary, high school, and college levels. She holds a Ph.D. in Adult Ed., M.A. in Pastoral Studies, B.A. in Elementary/HS Education, and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Liturgy from The Pontifical Liturgical Institute at St. Anselmo, Rome. Sheri and her husband, Joe, have two married children & two grandchildren.