These resources are designed to help families engage in shared prayer, faith sharing, service and reflection.
Celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi with your family.
A collection of ideas for families during the summer, including game night, nightly stories, and a travel game.
A special blessing for fathers.
Commemorate the date of the death of St. John the baptist and celebrate the summer solstice with your family.
Reflect on scarcity and abundance using the story of the feeding of the 5000 from Matthew's gospel.
Celebrate this day together to help focus on the role of parents and the status of parents in our communities.
Reflect on the story from Matthew's gospel of Jesus walking on water.
A collection of books and movies to share with your family during the summer.
A collection of service ideas for families to do in the summer.
Resources to share that are designed to help families pray, share faith, engage in service, and have fun together in the summer. • By Tom East
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