An all-ages session to understand the Eucharist as meal, sacrifice, and real presence; learn to celebrate it more actively and meaningfully; and recognize its significance to daily life.
Communal prayer based on the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. • By Bill Huebsch
God promises us that each community will have within it the gifts it needs to proclaim the kingdom. In this session participants will look at themselves as people of the reign of God, at Eucharist as their proclamation of that reign, and at the gifts they have been given for the task. The explanation of the "gifts" each family is to bring can be found on the Take Home sheet from "The Believing Community: Call to Discipleship." • By Kathleen O'Connell Chesto
In this session participants will understand what it means to "lay down one's life for a friend" and will consider the meaning of sacrifice, especially the Eucharist as sacrifice. • By Kathleen O'Connell Chesto
In this session participants will have the opportunity to have an in-depth experience of Eucharist. Preparation can be done as a separate session or as part of "Celebrating Community: Supper & Sacrifice." • By Kathleen O'Connell Chesto
In this session participants will be introduced to Eucharist as the third sacrament of initiation. It will help participants become aware that we bring all that we are to Eucharist, and ask that it be transformed into "bread for life." • By Kathleen O'Connell Chesto
In this session participants will experience how Eucharist is a type of family reunion. We will focus on the importance of Jesus' command to remember him. • By Kathleen O'Connell Chesto
A family activity to help us remember the importance of Eucharist.
Use this activity to reflect on and thank God for the special qualities of your family.
Ritual focused on bread and the Bread of Life. • By Kathleen O'Connell Chesto
Eucharist brings us together to be nourished and sent in mission the world.
Seven short reflections related to the sacrament, each with a scripture reading, brief reflection, and prayer.
Reflections, prompts, and activities based around Eucharistic themes: bread, wine and cup, Sign of Peace, Our Father, Offertory, and Commissioning.
A meal ritual to reflect on hospitality and generosity.
Use this ritual alongside the Emmaus story to recognize and celebrate Jesus all around us.
Use this ritual to reflect on Jesus, the Bread of Life.
A family mealtime experience focused on Matthew the Tax Collector (Matthew 9:9-13).
An all-ages activity to explore some of the central teachings about Eucharist.
An all-ages activity to reflect on the meaning of Eucharist through Scripture, symbols, music, and acts of justice and service.
Learning sessions for the whole parish community that focus on helping Catholics appreciate and practice adoration in the context of a liturgical spirituality.
Help parents and children better appreciate the benefits of receiving Eucharist.
Experience a Seder meal while making the connections between that meal and our Catholic celebration of the Eucharist. • By Jane Angha
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