
Sacrament of Confirmation

Joined to Christ: Confirming Adolescents

This article explores the understanding of confirmation founded in church documentsand tradition and proposes a way to build a foundation for an effective process ofpreparing adolescents to receive the sacrament. • By Tom East

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Pentecost: Solidarity Through the Spirit • Generations of Faith

Incorporates the Catholic social teaching theme of solidarity into the celebration of Pentecost Sunday and also can be used to prepare a parish for the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation.

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Gifts of the Holy Spirit • Generations of Faith

Take home page to help family members apply the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to their family relationships • By Jim Merhaut

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Holy Spirit Prayer • Gather Us In

This prayer is designed to be celebrated by families during Pentecost, in preparation for confirmation, at the beginning or end of a confirmation retreat, or whenever a prayer service of the Spirit seems particularly appropriate. • By Kathleen O'Connell Chesto

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Confirmation in Word, Ritual, and Symbols • Generations of Faith

Intergenerational Session

An all-ages session to develop a deeper understanding of the Sacrament of Confirmation, our mission as disciples of Jesus, and our Christian responsibility within the community and to the world.

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All About Confirmation • Generations of Faith

A self-directed session to walk through the Rite of Confirmation and learn about its meanings and symbols.

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Fruits of the Holy Spirit • Generations of Faith

Confirmation Meal Ritual

Use this meal ritual to reflect on the fruits of the Spirit and we celebrate at Confirmation.

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Gifts of the Holy Spirit • Generations of Faith

Confirmation Table Prayer

A table prayer that focuses on the gifts of the Spirit.

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Confirmation Ritual Moments • Generations of Faith

Reflect together on these moments from the rite of Confirmation: Sponsor, Baptismal Promises, Chrism & Anointing, the Laying on of Hands, and the Seal of the Holy Spirit.

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Confirmation Scripture Reflections • Generations of Faith

Seven short reflections related to the sacrament, each with a scripture reading, brief reflection, and prayer.

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Gifts of the Holy Spirit • Generations of Faith

In this all-ages activity, participants will create ornaments that reflect the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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Celebrating Community • FIRE

Confirmed in the Spirit

In this session participants will understand Confirmation as a sacrament of "transition" and of "intensification." Participants will have the opportunity to explore what this sacrament could mean for them within the particular tradition of their church. • By Kathleen O'Connell Chesto

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Rite of Confirmation Faith Festival • Faith Festivals

This 90-minute session is designed to help households want to attend the celebration of confirmation in your parish and find ways to support those who are getting confirmed.

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