
Parenting Workshops

Resources to directly empower parents as the primary catechists of their children (generally parent workshops in which children are not present).

Celebrating Family Rituals

Parenting Workshop

Parents will be able to identify the role of ritual in their families and create a family calendar of ritual celebrations.

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Family Communication

Parenting Workshop

Parents will be able to appreciate how easily our assumptions about communication decreases our effectiveness with others and use specific and practical skills to improve their listening and expression skills.

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Parenting Skills

Parenting Workshop

Parents will be able to identify skills necessary for effective parenting and use a variety of age-appropriate parenting skills to improve their parenting style and enrich their family relationships.

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Parenting through the Family Life Cycle

Parenting Workshop

Parents will be able to identify characteristics of effective parenting and family life, describe the unique tasks faced by children or adolescents and parents in their life cycle stage, identify skills for effective parenting for their particular stage and articulate the beliefs that underlie their approach to parenting.

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Serving as a Family

Parenting Workshop

Parents will be able to articulate the role of Christian service in their life and the life of their family, develop a plan to incorporate Christian service into their lives as families, and organize a family service project.

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Single Parenting

Parenting Workshop

Parents will be able to experience affirmation and support as single parents, identify the stresses of single parenting, and develop a plan for balancing health and self with the demands of single parenting.

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Building Self-Esteem

Parenting Workshop

A workshop to lead parents in identifying the importance of their role in building the self-esteem of their children and learn a variety of ways to build self-esteem in their children.

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Praying as a Family

Parenting Workshop

Parents will be able to articulate the role of prayer in their life and the life of their family, create a pattern for family prayer, and use a variety of prayer forms and styles in their family prayer life.

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Self Care for Parents

Parenting Workshop

Parents will be able to experience affirmation and acknowledge the taxing nature of parenting, discover the importance of self-care and a variety of self-care ideas, and reflect on the need for self-care in their life and commit to a self-care plan.

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Sharing Faith & Values

Parenting Workshop

Parents will be able to identify the core values they want to share and live in their families, describe the unique role parents play in passing on values to their children, and identify practical strategies and activities they can use to share faith and values in their families.

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